Physical education
Circuit Training Cards
Cards for a Circuit training session exercising the main muscle groups. Download and print for your circuit session today. Only basic equipment is needed. Proper technique advice is given on the cards. Have fun and don't forget to do a warm up. Suggested warm up , timings and stretches included.
The body's senses Practical activity and Worksheet
Starter worksheet identifying the body's senses. Extension activity linking animals to their heightened senses. Practical activity requires two pronged hair pins and worksheet provided.
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PSHE Activities
Activities to enhance body, mind and soul. Activity booklet promoting self reflection, Circuit cards for a fitness club and a Nutrition questionnaire to reflect on diet. Enjoy
Exam success assembly - Diet, Health, Exercise, PSHE presentation
Use for an exam success assembly, presentation or tutor talk. Includes a diet survey. Tell students this is for a future excursion for honest responses to the menu. Discuss sensible choices using the feedback sheet.